Puppy Grooming
Whatever breed your new puppy is, grooming in some form is required to keep your pets coat and skin healthy regardless of them being a short coat or long coat breed.
Short Coat Breeds are low maintenance but still require grooming to remove dead coat and skin, it also gives you the chance to check your pet over for any abnormal or new lumps and bumps which may require a check up at the vets. We recommend weekly brushing at home and a professional groom with your local grooming salon at least once every 3-4 months.
Long Coat and Curly Coat Breeds are high maintenance and require daily grooming at home to keep them knot free, left to get matted this can restrict blood flow to the skin and increases the risk of infections and masks the visibility of parasites. We recommend daily brushing and combing at home and a professional groom at least once every 4-6 weeks with your local grooming salon to keep the style you desire.
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